

We have strived to make our building as accessible as possible, however the age of the building does mean there are some accessibility issues- we have done our best to mitigate these issues wherever possible.

Access into the gallery from the front entrance of our building is level. There are two steps in the hall, which take you towards the Workshop space, kitchen and garden. A temporary ramp is available at all times to offer an alternative to the two steps.

Level wooden floor throughout, with a small raised stage area at the far end. There are two steps going up to the stage. The edge of the steps are marked with white tape.

Level wooden floor throughout. The disabled toilet and baby change is located in this room.

The garden is built on one level. There are different surfaces including paved areas (all level), grass and a hoggin path. The area under the pergola is paved, with level access to/from the car park and building.

Is located in the Workshop room. Includes a panic alarm. The baby change is also located here.

We have two disabled parking spaces, one located near the entrance to the garden, with level access to the building. Another disabled bay is located on your left just after you enter the car park (adjacent to the brick wall). There is level access to the front door of the building from this space.